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Template base code for pytorch
This repository contains a template base code for a complete pytorch pipeline.
This is a template because it works on fake data but aims to illustrate some pythonic syntax allowing the pipeline to be modular.
More specifically, this template base code aims to target :
- modularity : allowing to change models/optimizers/ .. and their hyperparameters easily
- reproducibility : saving the commit id, ensuring every run saves its assets in a different directory, recording a summary card for every experiment, building a virtual environnement
For the last point, if you ever got a good model as an orphane pytorch tensor whithout being able to remember in which conditions, with which parameters and so on you got, you see what I mean.
Local experimentation
For a local experimentation, you start by setting up the environment :
python3 -m virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
python -m pip install .
Then you can run a training, by editing the yaml file, then
python -m torchtmpl.main config.yaml train
or on slurm job:
python3 submit-slurm.py config.yaml 1
And for testing (making sample submission)
python -m torchtmpl.main config.yaml test
copy the file to local computor:
scp -r sdi-labworks-2023-2024_XXX@chome.metz.supelec.fr:~/Documents/SDI/Deep_Learning/deep_learning_geolifeclef_aaron_julien_olivier_2024/sample_submission_XXX.csv .
Testing the functions
Every module/script is equiped with some test functions. Although these are not unitary tests per se, they nonetheless illustrate how to test the provided functions.
For example, you can call :
python3 -m virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
python -m pip install .
python -m torchtmpl.models
and this will call the test functions in the torchtmpl/models/__main__.py