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Created with Raphaël 2.2.019Apr181714331Marupdated READMEmainmainupdated requirementschanged details on the heuristicsremoved an heuristicchanged parser to parse action without preconditionscorrected issue with heuristic max_propositionrenamed filesadded heuristic as an argumentreadme and requirementsdeleted heuristic filevarious heuristicswith heuristicwip monotone heuristicadded the pddl files of all the other groupscorrected an import mistakemoved functions in python filesdeleted useless folders and filesfunction to calculate neighbors of a stateadded heuristics (modify A*)added type to actionsused another parseradd position statusa* codestarted preprocesschanged the problems so that goal is just pos11rsing donesparser from github usedsmqin code to generqte graphsadded code to obtain a graph for the problemrenamed folder with pddl filesmodified gitignoreAdding our problemInitial commit