diff --git a/assets/fonts/MotomangucodeBold-3zde3.ttf b/assets/fonts/MotomangucodeBold-3zde3.ttf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..af8243c5f17e1f32f11e25717b9fa2514e701b18
Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/fonts/MotomangucodeBold-3zde3.ttf differ
diff --git a/game.py b/game.py
index 35a7278e0db8e18d8d80cd2141a5076bc76439a8..e0d7c282635efd900da58302cae9332b0de9f82b 100644
--- a/game.py
+++ b/game.py
@@ -25,13 +25,18 @@ class Game:
     def __init__(self):
         self.levels = []
         self.cursor = None
+        self.last_level = None
         self.stage = "Main Menu"
         self.is_open = True
         # Level 0
-        self.cursor = 0
+        self.levels.append(build_level("assets/levels/level0.json"))
+        self.levels.append(build_level("assets/levels/level1.json"))
+        self.levels.append(build_level("assets/levels/level2.json"))
+    def reload_levels(self):
+        self.levels = []
@@ -42,41 +47,86 @@ class Game:
                 self.is_open = False
             if event.type == pygame.USEREVENT:
+                self.reload_levels()
+                self.last_level = self.cursor
+                self.cursor = None
+                self.stage = "End Menu"
             if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
-                for player in (self.levels[self.cursor]).players:
-                    if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT:
-                        player.move_left(self.levels[self.cursor].grid)
-                    if event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:
-                        player.move_right(self.levels[self.cursor].grid)
-                    if event.key == pygame.K_UP:
-                        player.move_up(self.levels[self.cursor].grid)
-                    if event.key == pygame.K_DOWN:
-                        player.move_down(self.levels[self.cursor].grid)
-        self.levels[self.cursor].update(delta_time)
+                if self.cursor is not None:
+                    if event.key == pygame.K_r:
+                        self.levels[self.cursor].ask_for_reload = True
+                    for player in (self.levels[self.cursor]).players:
+                        if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT:
+                            player.move_left(self.levels[self.cursor].grid)
+                        if event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:
+                            player.move_right(self.levels[self.cursor].grid)
+                        if event.key == pygame.K_UP:
+                            player.move_up(self.levels[self.cursor].grid)
+                        if event.key == pygame.K_DOWN:
+                            player.move_down(self.levels[self.cursor].grid)
+            if event.type == pygame.KEYUP:
+                if self.cursor is not None:
+                    if event.key == pygame.K_r:
+                        self.levels[self.cursor].ask_for_reload = False
+        if self.cursor is not None:
+            self.levels[self.cursor].update(delta_time)
     def render(self, surface):
-        draw_level(self.levels[self.cursor], surface.py_surface)
+        if self.cursor is not None:
+            draw_level(self.levels[self.cursor], surface.py_surface)
-        temp_surface = surface.py_surface.subsurface(pygame.Rect(0, 0,
-                                                                 self.levels[self.cursor].grid.size[0] * pixel_size,
-                                                                 self.levels[self.cursor].grid.size[
-                                                                     1] * pixel_size)).copy()
+            temp_surface = surface.py_surface.subsurface(pygame.Rect(0, 0,
+                                                                     self.levels[self.cursor].grid.size[0] * pixel_size,
+                                                                     self.levels[self.cursor].grid.size[
+                                                                         1] * pixel_size)).copy()
-        surface.py_surface.fill((0, 0, 0))
+            surface.py_surface.fill((0, 0, 0))
-        pygame.draw.rect(surface.py_surface, (255, 255, 255), pygame.Rect(
+        pygame.draw.rect(surface.py_surface, colors["ivoire"], pygame.Rect(
             int((surface.width - (self.levels[self.cursor].grid.size[0]) * pixel_size) / 2) - 5, int(
                 (surface.height - (self.levels[self.cursor].grid.size[1]) * pixel_size) / 2) - 5,
             self.levels[self.cursor].grid.size[0] * pixel_size + 10,
             self.levels[self.cursor].grid.size[1] * pixel_size + 10))
+        pygame.draw.rect(surface.py_surface, colors["Black"], pygame.Rect(
+            int((surface.width - (self.levels[self.cursor].grid.size[0]) * pixel_size) / 2) - 3, int(
+                (surface.height - (self.levels[self.cursor].grid.size[1]) * pixel_size) / 2) - 3,
+            self.levels[self.cursor].grid.size[0] * pixel_size + 6,
+            self.levels[self.cursor].grid.size[1] * pixel_size + 6))
+        pygame.draw.rect(surface.py_surface, colors["ivoire"], pygame.Rect(
+            int((surface.width - (self.levels[self.cursor].grid.size[0]) * pixel_size) / 2) - 1, int(
+                (surface.height - (self.levels[self.cursor].grid.size[1]) * pixel_size) / 2) - 1,
+            self.levels[self.cursor].grid.size[0] * pixel_size + 2,
+            self.levels[self.cursor].grid.size[1] * pixel_size + 2))
                                 (int((surface.width - self.levels[self.cursor].grid.size[0] * pixel_size) / 2), int(
                                     (surface.height - self.levels[self.cursor].grid.size[1] * pixel_size) / 2)))
-        #pygame.draw.rect(surface.py_surface, colors["ivoire"], pygame.Rect())
-        #pygame.draw.rect(surface.py_surface, colors["Black"], pygame.Rect())
-        #pygame.draw.rect(surface.py_surface, colors["ivoire"], pygame.Rect())
-        #pygame.draw.rect(surface.py_surface, colors["darkblue"], pygame.Rect())
\ No newline at end of file
+        x = (((surface.width - (self.levels[self.cursor].grid.size[0]) * pixel_size) / 2) - 5) / 2 - 75
+        y = int((surface.height - (self.levels[self.cursor].grid.size[1]) * pixel_size) / 2) - 5
+        pygame.draw.rect(surface.py_surface, colors["ivoire"], pygame.Rect(x, y, 150, 100))
+        pygame.draw.rect(surface.py_surface, colors["Black"], pygame.Rect(x + 2, y + 2, 146, 96))
+        pygame.draw.rect(surface.py_surface, colors["ivoire"], pygame.Rect(x + 4, y + 4, 142, 92))
+        pygame.draw.rect(surface.py_surface, colors["darkblue"], pygame.Rect(x + 5, y + 5, 140, 90))
+        time_font = pygame.font.Font("assets/fonts/MotomangucodeBold-3zde3.ttf", 50)
+        time = self.levels[self.cursor].time
+        minutes = int(time / 60)
+        secondes = int(time - 60 * minutes)
+        timer_string = str(minutes) + ":" + str(secondes)
+        timer = time_font.render(timer_string, True, colors["ivoire"])
+        surface.blit(timer, ((2 * x + 150) / 2 - timer.get_width() / 2, (2 * y + 100) / 2 - timer.get_height() / 2))
+        font = pygame.font.Font("assets/fonts/BulletTrace7-rppO.ttf", 40)
+        play_again_button = font.render("Hold R to Reload", True, colors["ivoire"])
+        current_level = "Level " + str(self.cursor + 1)
+        level = font.render(current_level, True, colors["ivoire"])
+        y_bis = ((surface.height - (self.levels[self.cursor].grid.size[1]) * pixel_size) / 2) - 5 + \
+                self.levels[self.cursor].grid.size[1] * pixel_size + 10
+        surface.blit(level, (surface.width / 2 - level.get_width() / 2, y / 2 - level.get_height() / 2))
+        surface.blit(play_again_button, (
+            surface.width / 2 - play_again_button.get_width() / 2,
+            (720 + y_bis) / 2 - play_again_button.get_height() / 2))
diff --git a/level/level.py b/level/level.py
index 3e95d93407b1fda75874b64067aa4acf1d67be32..3ec6728b735023c1b3e0cc0f8db148edb89478c5 100644
--- a/level/level.py
+++ b/level/level.py
@@ -12,23 +12,27 @@ victory_event = pygame.event.Event(pygame.USEREVENT)
 class Level:
-    # starting positions of the players inside the grid
+    # Those parameters define the size of the grid that belongs to this level and also all the parameters for the
+    # players (the count, their colors at the beginning, their initial positions and event the final position they
+    # have to go to)
     def __init__(self, size, initial_positions, initial_colors, final_positions):
         self.grid = Grid(size)
         self.players = []
         self.final_positions = final_positions
         self.initial_positions = initial_positions
         self.initial_colors = initial_colors
-        self.finished = False
-        self.time=0
+        self.finished = False  # it's an indicator of the state of the level
+        self.ask_for_reload = False
+        self.reload_timer = 0
+        self.time = 0  # a level can have the concept of time : it helps to make dynamic things
         for k in range(
-                len(initial_positions)):  # sometimes there is two players and we can imagine a level with even more
-            # creation of the list of colors in rgb format
-            initial_colors_rgb = colors[self.initial_colors[k]]
+                len(initial_positions)):  # sometimes there are two players and we can imagine a level with even more
-            self.players.append(Player(
-                initial_colors_rgb, initial_positions[k][0] * pixel_size, initial_positions[k][1] * pixel_size, 0,
-                0))
+            self.players.append(Player(colors[self.initial_colors[k]], initial_positions[k][0] * pixel_size,
+                                       initial_positions[k][1] * pixel_size))
             self.grid.obstacles[initial_positions[k][0], initial_positions[k][1]] = Obstacle(self.initial_colors[k],
@@ -37,15 +41,32 @@ class Level:
             self.grid.obstacles[final_positions[k][0], final_positions[k][1]] = Obstacle(self.initial_colors[k], False,
                                                                                          False, True)
-    def update(self, delta_time):
+    def update(self, delta_time):  # this function is called 60 times per second in average, so delta_time = 1/60
         finished = True
-        for i in range(len(self.players)):
+        for i in range(len(self.players)):  # check if all players are at their final positions at the same time
             player = self.players[i]
             player.update(delta_time, self.grid)
             if int(player.position[0] / pixel_size) != self.final_positions[i][0] or int(
                     player.position[1] / pixel_size) != self.final_positions[i][1]:
                 finished = False
-        if finished and not self.finished:
+        if finished and not self.finished:  # if yes, trigger an event to tell the game to stop the current level
             self.finished = True
         self.time += delta_time
+        if self.ask_for_reload:
+            self.reload_timer += delta_time
+        if self.reload_timer >= 1:
+            self.players = []
+            for k in range(
+                    len(self.initial_positions)):
+                self.players.append(Player(colors[self.initial_colors[k]], self.initial_positions[k][0] * pixel_size,
+                                           self.initial_positions[k][1] * pixel_size))
+            self.ask_for_reload = False
+            self.reload_timer = 0
+            self.time = 0
diff --git a/level/level_loader.py b/level/level_loader.py
index ff1b3cfe2bc77a9614c0bc556914dd3ea347396f..dbfa97149709154ae8f86c1186e191f5619b674c 100644
--- a/level/level_loader.py
+++ b/level/level_loader.py
@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
+# Imports #
 import json
 from level.level import Level
 from level.obstacle import Obstacle, colors
-### build level function
+- build level function -
 this function takes a level written in a json file
 it returns the level objet that can be read by our python code
diff --git a/level/obstacle.py b/level/obstacle.py
index 9b41769c4776e242e5933b22df159cedcdf2685c..50ed5eb2ba0deadd385a224926d7021bb4543b0f 100644
--- a/level/obstacle.py
+++ b/level/obstacle.py
@@ -1,14 +1,18 @@
 # dictionary of the used colors, in RGB (format understood by pygame)
 colors = {"red": (220, 20, 60), "blue": (106, 90, 205), "green": (154, 205, 50), "yellow": (255, 215, 0),
-          "darkgrey": (105, 105, 105), "darkblue": (2, 4, 55),"darkerblue" : (0,0,51), "ivoire" : (255,255,212), "Volkswagen Taupe" : (140, 134, 128), "Black" : (0,0,0)}
-pixel_size = 44
+          "darkgrey": (105, 105, 105), "darkblue": (2, 4, 55), "darkerblue": (0, 0, 51), "ivoire": (255, 255, 212),
+          "Volkswagen Taupe": (140, 134, 128), "Black": (0, 0, 0)}
+# this is the pixel size that defines everything : each tile in the grid has this size and even the player.
+pixel_size = 40
 # class obstacle that will be used in the grid, color is a key of the dictionnary
 class Obstacle:
-    def __init__(self, color, color_switcher=False, start= False,  end=False):
+    # an obstacle is defined by its color and its behaviour (if it's a color_switcher etc...), the color is a string
+    # that refers to a key of 'colors'
+    def __init__(self, color, color_switcher=False, start=False, end=False):
         self.color = colors[color]
         self.color_switcher = color_switcher
         self.end = end
         self.start = start
diff --git a/level/player.py b/level/player.py
index a3ea9c2327e6428d0196cf9e8c5933c1a58c5f3f..b4ed4dc91fe9f8f76147e2b0a39a6428f9e4f6de 100644
--- a/level/player.py
+++ b/level/player.py
@@ -10,13 +10,21 @@ from sound import sound_collision
 # ---------------- #
 class Player:
-    # Player object has a color, a position and a velocity
-    def __init__(self, color, x_init, y_init, x_velocity, y_velocity):
+    # Player object has a color (in RGB format, not in str) and a position
+    def __init__(self, color, x_init, y_init):
         self.color = color
         self.position = np.array([x_init, y_init])
         self.render_position = np.array([x_init, y_init])
-        self.destination = np.array([x_init, y_init])
+        # the destination parameter is updated when the player wants to move and the 'update' function
+        # manages the travel of the player from its current position to the destination position
+        self.destination = np.array([x_init,
+                                     y_init])
+        # some variables that defines the characteristics of the player (like its speed, its ability to move,
+        # and its bouncing behaviour and finally some fun data about the last positions of the player)
         self.is_moving = False
         self.start_speed = 1000
@@ -27,26 +35,34 @@ class Player:
         self.bounce_time = 0
         self.bounce_direction = np.array([0, 0])
+        self.record_length = 4
+        self.last_positions = []
+        self.cursor = 0
+    # position of the player in the pixel format (on the surface the unit is the size of one pixel)
     def surface_position(self):
         return self.position
+    # position of the player on the grid (the unit is 'pixel_size')
     def level_position(self):
         x = int(self.position[0] / pixel_size)
         y = int(self.position[1] / pixel_size)
         return np.array([x, y])
+    # this function calculates the destination of a player that wants to move on the horizontal axis
     def advance_x(self, grid, r1, r2):
         x, y = self.level_position()
         i = 0
         active_color = self.color
-        for j in range(x, r1, r2):
-            if grid.obstacles[j, y] is None:
+        for j in range(x, r1, r2):  # start at the position of the player and move on the horizontal axis
+            if grid.obstacles[j, y] is None:  # if there is no obstacle, the player can go there
                 i = j - x
+                # there are some exceptions
                 if grid.obstacles[j, y].color_switcher:
                     active_color = grid.obstacles[j, y].color
                     i = j - x
@@ -60,6 +76,7 @@ class Player:
                     i = j - x
+                # if it's a basic obstacle let's break the loop : the player can't go on this tile
                 if not grid.obstacles[j, y].color_switcher and not grid.obstacles[j, y].start and not grid.obstacles[
                     j, y].end and not (
                         grid.obstacles[j, y].color == active_color):
@@ -67,6 +84,7 @@ class Player:
         return i
+    # same
     def advance_y(self, grid, r1, r2):
         x, y = self.level_position()
         i = 0
@@ -97,6 +115,7 @@ class Player:
         return i
+    # manges the calculus regarding the direction
     def calculate_destination(self, grid, direction):
         x, y = self.level_position()
@@ -112,10 +131,11 @@ class Player:
         if direction == "up":
             return np.array([x, y + self.advance_y(grid, -1, -1)])
+    # those are the functions that can be called from the game to move the player
     def move_up(self, grid):
-        self.bounce_direction = np.array([0, -1])
+        self.bounce_direction = np.array([0, -1])  # changes the future bounce direction
-        if not self.is_moving:
+        if not self.is_moving:  # the player can not move if it's alreadu moving
             self.destination = self.calculate_destination(grid, "up") * pixel_size
             self.is_moving = True
@@ -141,6 +161,19 @@ class Player:
             self.is_moving = True
     def update(self, delta_time, grid):
+        # data for the motion_blur (and maybe something else)
+        # record the last 'record_length' positions of the player
+        if len(self.last_positions) != self.record_length:
+            self.last_positions.append(self.render_position)
+        else:
+            self.last_positions[self.cursor] = self.render_position
+            self.cursor = (self.cursor + 1) % self.record_length
+        # logical
+        # manages the bounces with a sinusoidal function
         if self.bounces:
             self.bounce_time = self.bounce_time + delta_time
             if self.bounce_amplitude == 0:
@@ -156,6 +189,7 @@ class Player:
         self.render_position = self.position + self.bounce_direction * self.bounce_amplitude * np.sin(
             -20 * self.bounce_time)
+        # manages the movement of the player
         if (self.position == self.destination).all():
             if self.is_moving:
@@ -163,11 +197,13 @@ class Player:
                 self.is_moving = False
                 self.speed = self.start_speed
-            self.speed += self.start_speed * 8 * delta_time
+            self.speed += self.start_speed * 8 * delta_time  # the speed increases in time
             distance = np.linalg.norm(self.destination - self.position)
             direction = (self.destination - self.position) / distance
             delta = self.speed * delta_time
+            # check that the next frame the player will not cross the destination (if the speed is too high)
             if (direction == np.array([1, 0])).all():
                 if self.position[0] + delta > self.destination[0]:
                     self.position[0] = self.destination[0]
@@ -192,6 +228,8 @@ class Player:
                     self.position[1] = self.position[1] - delta
+        # the player is on a color_switcher
         x, y = self.level_position()
         if grid.obstacles[x, y] is not None:
diff --git a/main.py b/main.py
index 6ebfe95ec9bb0d0c469baa1f9a883bb68ac4245a..a7d41f2af716d2675ed6c53e6654b8804b910a1c 100644
--- a/main.py
+++ b/main.py
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ from render.draw_main_menu import draw_main_menu
 from render.surface import Surface
 from render.surface import events, flip
 from level.obstacle import colors
+from render.draw_end_menu import draw_end_menu
 # ----------------- #
@@ -22,15 +23,18 @@ def main():
     while game.is_open:
         surface.clear((0, 0, 0))
+        game.update(float(1 / 60))
         if game.stage == "Launched":
-            game.update(float(1 / 60))
         if game.stage == "Main Menu":
-            game.update(float(1 / 60))
             draw_main_menu(surface, menu, game)
+        if game.stage == "End Menu":
+            draw_end_menu (surface, game)
diff --git a/render/draw_end_menu.py b/render/draw_end_menu.py
index e0bf37fa79ee2e946938b41bf3e0d49698fc40d0..b958945bdf5d92b7b12e9f9e27aa5cba53ee0e75 100644
--- a/render/draw_end_menu.py
+++ b/render/draw_end_menu.py
@@ -1,47 +1,100 @@
 ### Imports
 import pygame
-from surface import Surface, flip
+from render.surface import Surface, flip
+from game import Game
+from level.obstacle import colors
-colors = {"red": (220, 20, 60), "blue": (106, 90, 205), "green": (154, 205, 50), "yellow": (255, 215, 0),
-          "darkgrey": (105, 105, 105), "darkblue": (2, 4, 55), "white_yellow": (255,255,204)}
+### drawing function
-#surface = Surface(1280, 720, "test")
+def draw_end_menu(surface, game):
+    # dimensions
+    height = surface.height
+    width = surface.width
+    button_width = 250
+    button_height = 80
-height = 500
-width = 800
+    surface.py_surface.fill(colors["darkblue"])
+    # fonts
+    font = pygame.font.Font("assets/fonts/BulletTrace7-rppO.ttf", 60)
+    font_buttons = pygame.font.Font("assets/fonts/BulletTrace7-rppO.ttf", 30)
-### drawing function
+    # title
+    title = font.render('VICTORY', True, colors["ivoire"])
+    surface.py_surface.blit(title, ((width - title.get_width()) / 2,
+                                    (height - title.get_height()) / 2 - 200))
+    # play again button
+    play_again_button = font_buttons.render("Play again", True, colors["ivoire"])
+    text_width = play_again_button.get_width()
+    text_height = play_again_button.get_height()
+    x_button1 = (width - play_again_button.get_width()) / 2 - 200
+    y_button1 = (height - play_again_button.get_height()) / 2
+    x_rect1 = x_button1 - (button_width - text_width) / 2
+    y_rect1 = y_button1 - (button_height - text_height) / 2
+    pygame.draw.rect(surface.py_surface, colors["ivoire"], pygame.Rect(x_rect1, y_rect1, button_width, button_height))
+    pygame.draw.rect(surface.py_surface, colors["Black"],
+                     pygame.Rect(x_rect1 + 1, y_rect1 + 1, button_width - 2, button_height - 2))
+    pygame.draw.rect(surface.py_surface, colors["ivoire"],
+                     pygame.Rect(x_rect1 + 5, y_rect1 + 5, button_width - 10, button_height - 10))
+    pygame.draw.rect(surface.py_surface, colors["darkblue"],
+                     pygame.Rect(x_rect1 + 6, y_rect1 + 6, button_width - 12, button_height - 12))
+    surface.py_surface.blit(play_again_button, (x_button1, y_button1))
+    # menu button
+    menu_button = font_buttons.render("Menu", True, colors["ivoire"])
+    text_width = menu_button.get_width()
+    text_height = menu_button.get_height()
+    x_button2 = (width - menu_button.get_width()) / 2 + 200
+    y_button2 = (height - menu_button.get_height()) / 2
+    x_rect2 = x_button2 - (button_width - text_width) / 2
+    y_rect2 = y_button2 - (button_height - text_height) / 2
+    pygame.draw.rect(surface.py_surface, colors["ivoire"], pygame.Rect(x_rect2, y_rect2, button_width, button_height))
+    pygame.draw.rect(surface.py_surface, colors["Black"],
+                     pygame.Rect(x_rect2 + 1, y_rect2 + 1, button_width - 2, button_height - 2))
+    pygame.draw.rect(surface.py_surface, colors["ivoire"],
+                     pygame.Rect(x_rect2 + 5, y_rect2 + 5, button_width - 10, button_height - 10))
+    pygame.draw.rect(surface.py_surface, colors["darkblue"],
+                     pygame.Rect(x_rect2 + 6, y_rect2 + 6, button_width - 12, button_height - 12))
+    surface.py_surface.blit(menu_button, (x_button2, y_button2))
+    if pygame.Rect(x_rect1, y_rect1, button_width, button_height).collidepoint(pygame.mouse.get_pos()):
+        pygame.draw.rect(surface.py_surface, colors["ivoire"],
+                         pygame.Rect(x_rect1, y_rect1, button_width, button_height))
+        pygame.draw.rect(surface.py_surface, colors["Black"],
+                         pygame.Rect(x_rect1 + 1, y_rect1 + 1, button_width - 2, button_height - 2))
+        pygame.draw.rect(surface.py_surface, colors["ivoire"],
+                         pygame.Rect(x_rect1 + 5, y_rect1 + 5, button_width - 10, button_height - 10))
+        pygame.draw.rect(surface.py_surface, colors["Volkswagen Taupe"],
+                         pygame.Rect(x_rect1 + 6, y_rect1 + 6, button_width - 12, button_height - 12))
+        surface.py_surface.blit(play_again_button, (x_button1, y_button1))
+        if pygame.mouse.get_pressed()[0]:
+            game.cursor = game.last_level
+            game.stage = "Launched"
+    if pygame.Rect(x_rect2, y_rect2, button_width, button_height).collidepoint(pygame.mouse.get_pos()):
+        pygame.draw.rect(surface.py_surface, colors["ivoire"],
+                         pygame.Rect(x_rect2, y_rect2, button_width, button_height))
+        pygame.draw.rect(surface.py_surface, colors["Black"],
+                         pygame.Rect(x_rect2 + 1, y_rect2 + 1, button_width - 2, button_height - 2))
+        pygame.draw.rect(surface.py_surface, colors["ivoire"],
+                         pygame.Rect(x_rect2 + 5, y_rect2 + 5, button_width - 10, button_height - 10))
+        pygame.draw.rect(surface.py_surface, colors["Volkswagen Taupe"],
+                         pygame.Rect(x_rect2 + 6, y_rect2 + 6, button_width - 12, button_height - 12))
-def draw_end_menu(surface):
-    x_position = (surface.width-width)/2
-    y_position = (surface.height-height)/2
-    pygame.draw.rect(surface.surface,colors["darkblue"],pygame.Rect(x_position,y_position,width,height))
-    # Victory
-    font_victory = pygame.font.Font("assets/fonts/GamepauseddemoRegular-RpmY6.otf", 80)
-    victory = font_victory.render("VICTORY", True, colors["white_yellow"])
-    # info 1 : "to play again press r"
-    font_info1 = pygame.font.Font("assets/fonts/GamepauseddemoRegular-RpmY6.otf", 50)
-    info1 = font_info1.render("To play again press R", True, colors["white_yellow"])
-    # info 2 : "to return to the main menu press M"
-    font_info2 = pygame.font.Font("assets/fonts/GamepauseddemoRegular-RpmY6.otf", 50)
-    info2 = font_info2.render("To return to the main menu press M", True, colors["white_yellow"])
-    # blit
-    surface.surface.blit(victory, (x_position+(width-victory.get_width())/2,y_position + 50))
-    surface.surface.blit(info1, (x_position+(width-info1.get_width())/2,y_position + 200))
-    surface.surface.blit(info2, (x_position+(width-info2.get_width())/2,y_position + 250))
-#continuer = True
-#while continuer :
-#    surface.clear(colors["darkblue"])
-#    draw_end_menu(surface)
-#    flip()
-#    for event in pygame.event.get():
-#            if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
-#                continuer = False
+        surface.py_surface.blit(menu_button, (x_button2, y_button2))
+        if pygame.mouse.get_pressed()[0]:
+            game.stage = "Main Menu"
diff --git a/render/draw_player.py b/render/draw_player.py
index 0badb30f83be84f92a604212b950c200ef5a7a57..232aa7867dcf1f43bd5c3adaa00227fee3bc38b7 100644
--- a/render/draw_player.py
+++ b/render/draw_player.py
@@ -7,36 +7,26 @@ from level.obstacle import pixel_size
 draw_player is called upon to reprsent the player at all times for the viewer.
-blur_length = 4
 precision = 5
-positions = []
-cursor = 0
 def draw_player(player, surface):
-    global blur_length, positions, cursor, precision
+    global precision
-    if len(positions) != blur_length:
-        positions.append(player.render_position)
-    else:
+    if len(player.last_positions) == player.record_length:
         blur = pygame.Surface((pixel_size, pixel_size))
         pygame.draw.rect(blur, (player.color[0] / 20, player.color[1] / 20, player.color[2] / 20),
                          pygame.Rect(0, 0, pixel_size, pixel_size))
-        for k in range(blur_length - 1):
-            initial = positions[k]
-            final = positions[k + 1]
+        for k in range(player.record_length - 1):
+            initial = player.last_positions[k]
+            final = player.last_positions[k + 1]
             delta = (final - initial) / precision
             for i in range(precision):
                 blur_pos = initial + delta * i
                 surface.blit(blur, (blur_pos[0], blur_pos[1]), special_flags=pygame.BLEND_RGB_ADD)
-        positions[cursor * 1] = player.render_position
-        cursor = (cursor + 1) % blur_length
     blur_surface = pygame.Surface((pixel_size, pixel_size))
     pygame.draw.rect(blur_surface, (player.color[0] / 2, player.color[1] / 2, player.color[2] / 2),
                      pygame.Rect(0, 0, pixel_size, pixel_size))
diff --git a/sound.py b/sound.py
index 0218bdf5895afa3c011ed9a7bca9ee9c6980d229..f9f8799c7826786df86d9d6baba49d0e69b1c490 100644
--- a/sound.py
+++ b/sound.py
@@ -19,3 +19,9 @@ def sound_swipe():
 def sound_background():
+def sound_button():
+    pass
+def sound_game_launched():
+    pass
\ No newline at end of file